Good Day,
Today's post is in honor of all our fallen unsung heroes of 9/11. Also to honor the men and women who are serving now to combat terrorism on our OWN soil across the seas and so that we and others may LIVE
Ground zero is sacred holy burial grounds. In my opinion NOTHING should be built there! How would you feel if your loved one was never recovefred and the remains lay somewhere buried in the dust or worse were removed during the clean up?
It was a very traumatic day for me. I taught in the MD Gaihtersburg/Rockville area. Students panicked, some staff did too, as we had loved ones in the NYC towers area or the Pittsburg and Pentagon areas. We immedialtely enacted a total lock down as was protocol. BUT that didn't stop parents from picking up their kids and demanding access. CHAOS might have broken out if not for the level heads of our Instrucyional Development Team, our Leadership, and ability to adapt. Any unassigned faculty to a classroom (as was I being the Reading Speciliast and on the ILT) became monitors and police officers. Verifying driver's licenses of parents, verifying and retrieving the students from their classrooms and delivering them in tears to over anxious parents. My own heart ached. My 5 kids were all over the county. Their father lived in LI NY and worked near the Towers. I had yet to hear he was okay. It was hours before I could leave, and retrieve my own children. This was one time when I wish I was not teaching faculty! I could not abandon my job, but I felt I had abandoned my kids.
Our middle school did a fund raiser for the victims' families and had a contest as to which grade 6-8 could raise the most money. I forget exactly how much these compassionate little students raised but it was over $5000.00 pretty substantial for only 785 students, mostly in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters!
How to commemorate such a tragic loss? Words do not seem enough! Leave Ground Zero as sacred ground. My humble attempt to honor these kiving and fallen heroes is through my poetry!
9/11 A Story Told
Were you there when they fell?
Did you feel the heat of fiery flames,
Taste the foul dusty acrid smell?
Were you outdoors or at a game?
How can such a tragedy take place,
Who would harm the innocent lives
Of women, men, and children with no face?
What personality kills and also thrives?
On harming those without one thought
Of what they do to others without cause?
Where but in America is freedom sought
And not bought, the marred with flaws...
Air traffic control took a lot of blame
National security reacted swiftly
But not soon enough, losing fame
As terrorists passed through gates adeptly.
How long in planning was this act of terror?
And still the cells live on, hidden, unkown -
All Americans reacted with a furor
So fierce, unsightly , unified and strong!
The firemen, policemen, EMT's National Guards,
The sky blackened with military force
As the world stood by, the violenece heard
Seen, watching each plane's course.
The Pentagon in horror struck, a day care
Where lives were lost, defiling National monuments.
And then the crew of flight 93 so brave and dear -
No greater courage or sacrifice can amount
To being the noblest one of all, they gave their lives
With compassion, with goodbyes, and many tears.
As the pilot headed for the ground in a downward dive
This will be remembered throughout the years.
Rebuild the Towers? No I say! Let it rest.
Erect a mosque, why in GOD's name would we?
This is America, the land of the free, lest
You forget, we live, we breathe and we are FREE!
Deep in my heart I hold memories of friends lost,
Families of my fellow peers, the anxiety I felt
Remains throughout all these years, at what cost
Should we sacrifice freedom? NONE, we melt
Away the frozen fear, attack the terrorists twofold
Annihilate the corruption and relieve the world
Of the petrifying, awful and powerful stronghold
Terrorists think they have, and OUR Flag unfurls.
Forever emblazened in our hearts and minds
The fields of red from blood, the color blue now
From the sky where terror reigned, reminds
How unkind humanity becomes, so foul.
Like the shot heard around the world, once more
A call to arms, but what country came to help -
As we so often help others, closed doors
In fear we met, might they be next, they whelped.
America, America, land of liberty
We live and die for you, our troops and others serve you
Unconditionally; we stand up next to you, freely
Waving flags in support of freedom, that's what true
Blooded Americans were born to do, defend,
Protect, preserve , our rights at home and overseas
A loud, resonating message we MUST send,
That we remain the land of LIBERTY!
Poems My Way - Valrie 09/10/2010

Not a photoshop, how horrific to relive...

Aerial veiw, the fog of dust, destruction and terror!
And the Towers came tumbling down...

Rescue searchers seek and search debris in a small rural town near Pittsburg, Flight 93

Medical crews give aid...
The innocent who sacrificed their lives on Flight 93... CHILDREN!
American Troops and emergency relief teams support AMERICA and defy TERRORISTS!

Our FLAG, sacred symbol...

Why we fight, to stay free, LADY LIBERTY
Live free or die!

Me, Joey, and his lovely fiance, my own GI-JOE!

My beautiful son at his farewell BBQ party July 5th, 2010, less than 4 days before deployment to North Marja Afghanistan!

My MARINE son Lance Corporal Joey H. Please bring home safe and in one piece!
Until they ALL come HOME!
AND now a bit happier note...
Please visit BEV at
How Sweet The Sound for more great PS links to other bloggers honoring 9/11!
Bev thank you for encouraging us to honor our 9/11 heroes today!

Have you joined
Cans for Cookies US Troops yet to support our TROOPS? Scroll down through my posts and find out how you too can help our charity benefit and add your loved one to our roster of troops receiving our care packages!
NOW for the FUN!
For every 50 comments I will give away a
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Everyone receives a 50% discount on all orders placed by midnight EST SUNDAY 9/12/10
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I am off to the keyboard to visit my PS bloggers and friends!

Let's close with a moment of silent prayer! God Bless you all!
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