Good Morning America!
How many of you remember Robin William's as the radio broadcaster for Good Morning VietNam? That was such an inspiring show that certainly entertained many people, but one wonders if what it depicted was remotely accurate? This blog will accurately promote and support the efforts of our men and women serving overseas.
Our campaign Cans for Cookies for US Troops is filled with love. These "we care kits" will have homemade cookies and/or peanut brittle in them. So far I have 10 people willing to serve with me stateside in baking, sewing, writing letters, errand running, and advertising for this wonderful event inspired by my son's recent deployment to Afghanistan. My son is Marine Lance Corporal Joseph... in the North Marja region of Afghansitan. Our goal is to send 50 kits by the end of this month to our loved ones serving overseas (or stateside) and away from home. You may bake cookies and request an APO for a single soldier or for a care box to a unit. The kits the head ofice will send whether indiviudal or to a unit will have one container of homemade cookies or peanut brittle and a custom embroidered bandana with a Psalm, verse or other predetermined embroidered message on it of your choice. Pens, pencils, books, journals, and stationery are also needed.
Please consider being a district representative, in charge of collecting and shipping empty containers to our headquarters. Or perhaps coordinating penpals. Bakers are desparately needed. Many schools are considering this as their community service learning projects for students state required credits for graduation. It is also a great
idea for church youth groups and scout troops for badges.
Donations are always accepted and you may sponsor an individual kit for $15 to cover individual s/h, and the cost of the bandana and embroidery. Our troops traditinally wear these bandanas under their helmets or keep them folded and tucked in their helmets or other safe place on their personage.
Please submit photos of your loved one's in uniform for group postings. If you have their unit's URL for tracking please feel free to submit that to me as well. Our goal is to keep everyone as updated as possible on the whereabouts and safety of our troops.
Thanks for stopping by today and have a wonderful day!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Dear Pink Saturday Ladies and Bloggers!
I am dedicating today's psot to making PINK cookies for US TROOPS. As many of you know my son and my sisters' sons are all 3 serving overseas in this awful time of war. To be at Peace would be far better for us all. However the fact remains that many women and men hasve to leave their loved ones behind and go prserve freedom for our homeland and to develop these rights in third world nations.
We have started a major charity event to send cookies, peanut brittle, and other supplioes to our son's, their units and if you like to your loved one's also. Please viisit the blog Cans for Cookies Us Troops.
We will gladly accept donations of bakers, money sponsors to cover the cookies, peanut brittle, books, magazines and other supplies we will be sending over. The local PennySaver is interviewing me about this event and a free ad will be running locally in the next publication. PLEASE fee free to pass this on in your own neighborhoods and have all interested people contact me at this email : Also save your FOLGERS and PRINGLES cans and ship them to us, we are using these as the storage containers. They will be transformed into keepsake holders...FOLGERS has offered to help promote this event and is considering sending samples as well.
If you would like to be a penpal to a soldier email me here and let me know your email so I can send you your soldier's name and APO, and email. I have had a tremendous response to this event locally and wonder how much larger it would be if you too reached out in your community. Would you please help pass the time for the men and women defending the rights of liberty? Remember we are able to fly our country's flag without difficult and proudly, not so for other countries in this world.
Are you proud to be an American?
I am proud to be the mother of a son and an aunt of nephews who are defending lady liberty!
So in the PINK today, I sit and wait to receive your emails or phone calls
with your help and donations!
Use this image, save as jpeg and create your link back to the pink post or to the cans for cookies us trooops blogspot. Bless you for joining in this campaign and let's reach that goal by the end of the month.. 50 shipments overseas to units or individuals! Keep tuned to MYPINK Saturdays for updates and become a follower today!
SO WHAT WILL YOU DO TO HELP PROMOTE PINK COOKIES? MY GOAL IS 50 CANS OF PINK SUGAR COOKIES BY THE END OF AUGUST, THAT'S ONLY 50 PINK LADIES BAKING A DOZEN OR SO COOKIES EACH, WILL YOU HELP US OUT? call 606-547-2073 leave message with name and # I'll get back to you or email here. THANKS TO ANY OF YOU WHO WILL GRAB THE BUTTON AND POST IT ON YOUR BLOGS WITH A LINK BACK TO HERE: OR THE CANS FOR COOKIES US TROOPS BLOGSPOT. We would love to brighten the days of these courageous men and women serving others so they to may live free!
I'm off to give the
TO our lovely Pink Saturdays FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS and so many PINK BLOGGERS!
Bev is our leading PINK LADY, I owe so much to finding her one Saturday and now all my Saturdays are PINK!!! and filled with many new PINK friends around the world!
God bless us all and Pray for our Troops! May ANGELS guard them night and day!
Lance Corporal Joseph...on the right, and his boot camp buddy, 2 of America's Marines
Thursday, August 5, 2010
First Post: Getting to know us and you!
Good Day to Everyone,
My son Joey recently was deployed to the North Marja region in Afghanistan. He is my only son. I want to do my part in helping to support our men and women serving in this awful war. In fact serving abroad anywhere or stateside too! So... I have started a nonprofit fundraiser to send to his unit or your loved one's units or them individually as well, a care package. Eventually I would like it to be monthly, so as our followers grow, so will the amount and frequency of packages being sent.
How can you help? Easy, collect your FOLGERS and PRINGLEs cans. The plastic Folgers are great for cookies and the Pringles are great for peanut brittle. My cohorts and I will make homemade delectaable treats to send to all of our loved ones serving in the US TROOPS.
Shipping of the packages and covering the contents baking supplies along with a beautiful digitized embroidery bandana with their name on it and date of birth is covered for a $15.00 donation.
If you just want to add your unit's number and APO address that is fine, for bulk shipments of just the treats. WE are running fundraisers to help cover the costs.
Should you be interested in joining this patriotic loving event please email me here!
Here is a photo of what some of the homemade sugar cookies will look like:

Just copy this and return to me via email here:
Your Name
Your email
Your Blog
Soldier name
Soldier unit name
Address to where cans or letters should go
I am interested in sending cookies Y ___ or N ___
I am interested in sending letters Y ___ or N ___
Thank you for joining this loving event which lasts a year long! It is never to late to join, one time or ongoing, we need to do our part to support our troops!
Other items needed:
coffee cans or pringle cans to send cookies in:
Mail them here:
Valrie A. Verhoeven
19 Glen Ave Apt 5
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Please email me ( to let you know you are shipping them and how many...
Bless you for joining in this loving event!
Proud to Be...
My son Joey recently was deployed to the North Marja region in Afghanistan. He is my only son. I want to do my part in helping to support our men and women serving in this awful war. In fact serving abroad anywhere or stateside too! So... I have started a nonprofit fundraiser to send to his unit or your loved one's units or them individually as well, a care package. Eventually I would like it to be monthly, so as our followers grow, so will the amount and frequency of packages being sent.
How can you help? Easy, collect your FOLGERS and PRINGLEs cans. The plastic Folgers are great for cookies and the Pringles are great for peanut brittle. My cohorts and I will make homemade delectaable treats to send to all of our loved ones serving in the US TROOPS.
Shipping of the packages and covering the contents baking supplies along with a beautiful digitized embroidery bandana with their name on it and date of birth is covered for a $15.00 donation.
If you just want to add your unit's number and APO address that is fine, for bulk shipments of just the treats. WE are running fundraisers to help cover the costs.
Should you be interested in joining this patriotic loving event please email me here!
Here is a photo of what some of the homemade sugar cookies will look like:
And of course yummy homemade peanut brittle:

SO!!! What are you waiting for? Email ne for details and I will send you my phone number for further confirmation of the orders, names of the troops serving, their/his/her/ name, APO address and we will get this nonprofit event up and running in time for the HOLIDAY SEASON!
I am sharing my son's pictures with you. If yoy would like any pictures of your special loved one's shared then email them to me for approval and I will let you know the URL of their post.
This was the GI_JOE send off cake I made with my sis' for Joey.
See what happens when you give a Marine a knife? He put it to good use!
Joey with 2 of his buddies (JOEY in the Middle)
That's me talking on the phone, when I am not working, doing doctoral classes or writing on my blogs!
That's Joey and his sis' Jenni.. I flew her up to their hometown in MD from TX to see Joey at his big send off party! From what I heard it was a blast!
Joey with sis' Jenni in black and his twin step brothers (yes 3 all 23) and his younger stepsister at their get together in MD. The happy clan of five and you thought the mousketeers had all the fun!
Joey and his beautiful fiance just before he was deployed this past July to the North Marja region of Afghanistan. They spent the day at Marion Lake with friends and famiy.
Please send me your email, the name, address, and unit
number of who
you woukd like cans of cookies or letters sent to.
Just copy this and return to me via email here:
Your Name
Your email
Your Blog
Soldier name
Soldier unit name
Address to where cans or letters should go
I am interested in sending cookies Y ___ or N ___
I am interested in sending letters Y ___ or N ___
Thank you for joining this loving event which lasts a year long! It is never to late to join, one time or ongoing, we need to do our part to support our troops!
Other items needed:
coffee cans or pringle cans to send cookies in:
Mail them here:
Valrie A. Verhoeven
19 Glen Ave Apt 5
Cooperstown, NY 13326
Please email me ( to let you know you are shipping them and how many...
Bless you for joining in this loving event!
I'll leave you with a poem I wrote in his honor:
I am proud to be an American mother of a US Marine.
He is sacrificing his life so we may live free.
So many years I nursed my son, and took good care of him.
Now dear Lord, I give Joey over to you...
Love him, protect him, guide him through his days.
Bring my only son home to me in one piece.
Shower him with legions of angels...
Surround him with the warrior bands.
Lead him by his mind as well as his heart
In the decisions he shall have to make...
Noone can fathom the sounds that blast the air,
The endless nights, no sleep,
the crickets, scorpions that share
Their beds and food, their daily lives
None such do we know full well...
A soldier's mom stays at home
But her heart will always tell
The stories of the years gone by
And reminisce some more
Until one day, Lord ,my son comes home
And walks right through my door.
A smile on his face, a hug for his bride to be...
And when he has the time, dear Lord a hearty hug for me.
Poems My Way - Valrie 07/04/2010
My loving son and soon to be daughter-in-law, may God be with them always!
And the Angels surround our troops!
They serve our country so we may remain free, we need to support them here on the homeland no matter how we feel about the war, they are there protecting the very meaning of freedom for others!!
Thank you for visiting this blog and feel free to grab my button and post a link on your blogs, the more who know the more we can help our women and men overseas!
God Bless You and those who serve!
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